Who Are You?
What words or phrases would you be inclined to use to describe yourself? This question was posed to a group of us in Sunday School recently. The responses included: follower of Christ, husband (wife), father (mother), friend, followed by occupation. When we were initially presented with the question, there was some hesitation. Why? For me, I wanted to avoid rattling off a list of labels without considering the order. I thought, perhaps I would verbalizing them in the order in which I would want someone to remember me. My first response was — a follower of Christ. I wondered… a follower of Christ – is that what people actually see?

I heard an interesting sermon series recently, “I Know He Is, but What I Am?” from the Elevation Church in North Carolina. The pastor suggested that because of our insecurities, our view of who we are as children of God is often tainted. He went on to say that, it is imperative that we must know first who God is before we can make the necessary leap in knowing our identify in Christ. Is our view of God limited to our opinion and that of others? Or, have we endeavored to know God personally by searching out the scriptures.

So, I will rephrase my initial question to perhaps the more important question, who do you say God is?

I hope that each one of us will make a concerted effort to know Him more…to spend a bit more time with Him in prayer and going deeper in His Word. There, we can discover His character, His will, and His promises. And, who we are in Him — a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).


Thanks for visiting AnEncouragedHeart. Signing off…God Bless! Cynthia

3 responses to “OUR IDENTITY

  1. I love this part: it is imperative that we must know first who God is before we can make the necessary leap in knowing our identify in Christ. Is our view of God limited to our opinion and that of others? Or, have we endeavored to know God personally by searching out the scriptures.
    -I’m really trying to focus on that. We really need to pursue KNOWING GOD. Thank you!!

  2. Awesome Cynthia!

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